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Watch this video for “How to launch your own website” in just three steps. If you have any query please comment on this video and subscribe to my youtube channel. 


It’s a dream of every one’s life to own a home. Definitely we take a crucial decision in life to buy a home.


Have you ever asked yourself that what are your financial priorities?<!–more–> It is not a common question you face but yes it makes you think of your lifestyle. The answer is also not very straight forward. it differs from age to age and situation to situation. In spite of all, there are top three financial […]


[ RECAP:  Shreya , bengali rooted girl well accustomed with life in mumbai. She met the ‘Dosa’ stall guy Raunak on a busy day on the way to her office. somehow she recovered her from the incident she did at Dosa stall ]   Chapter 3 Window Shopping   Sometime somewhere someone said, if you […]


Agile, Scrum and Kanban, three buzzwords have become very popular in most of the industries recently. Mostly for software engineers these are daily routine now. Still those who find these as alien words, let me give you a brief intro about these three.


The most common way to buy a home is borrowing a Home Loan from Bank or any financial institution. Isn’t it? But have you ever thought about the background story? Why banks love to offer you loan? There is a big agenda behind this love.


Time flies. Suddenly in early 40s  you realize that you have crossed a major path of your life. 


[ RECAP: Raunak screamed in dream. Mumbling in one’s dream may be normal for others but it didn’t give a cathartic release to Shreya. She started traveling her memory lanes when she first met Raunak. ] Chapter 2 Shreya   Shreya Mukherjee, 5.4” tall pretty girl with curly dark hair at her late twenties. Rooted […]


 [ Preface ] My first scrap SHE SAID is a thriller. A story of a shy guy who thinks a lot and after that commits mistake. On the other side, a super computer girl who finds her love in that shy heart. Appearance of someone drove their thick and thin life to a dark edge. […]


Very often our mind discovers obstacles that do not exist at all. We do assume rules and protocols that don’t exist. As a result the obvious solution often goes unnoticed due to our excessively preoccupied mind. It happens due to two reasons. One, we think like a detective and examine every small thing. Second, we […]

