Area Director’s Message, F13, District 86, Toastmasters International


No one in this world is bound to do anything. We thrive to become successful.
Continuous learning is the way to success. More you share your knowledge , more you gain.

If you believe in these principals and you want to become a better speaker and sharpen your leadership skills then I’ll ask you to visit a Toastmaster’s club in
your locality.

My name is Som. I’m the Area Director of Mississauga area City Center area , District 86 , Toastmasters International. Toastmasters International is a
non profit educational organization focused on Public Speaking and Leadership building spread across 143 countries world wide.

We conduct Public Speaking meetings in Mississauga. It is free to visit as guest.

Our members practice their public speaking and leadership skills by conducting meetings and educational workshops.

I invite you to visit any of our club meetings as per your convenience. Please check the meeting link in the video description. See you in our next meeting.

