Event details

Do you want to be a be a better speaker and a better leader? Come join us.

A Toastmasters club is where you can deliver speeches, hear engaging speeches from members and guest speakers, hear constructive feedback, and participate in debates on important issues. The club also gives you an opportunity to network with others and moderate and chair meetings.

Come to be inspired and informed and improve your communication and leadership skills.

I’m Som, Area Director of Area F113 , District 86, Toastmasters International. I invite you to attend any of the following schedule as per your convenience. 

FREE to attend but registration is required.

Venue for Schedule 1,2,3 : 301 Burnhamthorpe Rd W, Mississauga, ON L5B 3Y3, Room CL3 (Please take the stair or elevator from the elevator side of Cafeteria)

Schedule 1 : Every 1st , 3rd Saturdays , 9:30am to 11:00am – (Comfortably Speaking)

Schedule 2 : Every 1st , 3rd Saturdays , 11:30am – 1:00pm – (Lambs To Lions)

Schedule 3 : Every Tuesday , 12 noon -1pm. (City Centre)

Venue for Schedule 4:

Main Boardroom at Suite 501 – 151 City Centre Drive
Suite 501 – 151 City Centre Drive Mississauga, ON L5B1M7 Canada

Schedule 4 : Every Wednessday , 7pm – (Speaking for Success)

Registration is FREE but REQUIRED.

For quick info please visit our club site: https://lambstolions.toastmastersclubs.org

a quick video of our club

Know About Toastmasters International: https://www.toastmasters.org

What is Toastmasters in just 5 mins

Please feel free to ask us if you have any query. We will be happy to help you.

Club President, Lambs To Lions Toastmasters Club
Public Relations Manager , District 86, Toastmasters International
