Event details
Date: January 25, 2020
Location: Mississauga Central Library
Address: 301 Burnhamthorpe Road West Mississauga
Event: https://www.eventbrite.ca/e/amazon-web-services-aws-study-group-at-mississauga-central-library-tickets-56013313328

A complete technical knowledge sharing session for AWS aspirant IT people. More specifically IT developers working with AWS. This is a group study session for Amazon Web Service. If you are interested to learn AWS and prepare for AWS certification then the session will be fit for you.

Please don’t forget your laptop.

Session is FREE although it is not a walk-in session. Registration is required. Limited seat.

Agenda: Day 1

  1. Study group building and planning the certification course structure.
  2. AWS Certification guidelines.

This session will fit for you if

  1. You are working in IT and working in AWS project.
  2. You are looking for a study group for AWS certification.
